When did you last do something new for the first time?

This beautiful body (client) describes her first Ka Huna massage experience.  Read about it here: https://essentialme.com.au/blog/2017/12/11/when-did-you-last-do-something-new-for-the-first-time

So I just had my FIRST Ka Huna Hawaiian massage with Amanda from Essential Me.

THAT was an amazing experience my body has NEVER had before.

Part dancing of hands and arms all around and under you, fluid movements from top to toe. Part deep tissue massage. Part reflexology. Part yoga - she gently moves your body into shapes.

I experienced touch and sensations no other massage has ever given me. So relaxing. So all encompassing.

Amanda 'danced' around me, using her whole body and I felt totally supported by her. It wasn't spiritual (though I reckon it could be - but that would not be for me) but we were definitely in the space together. It was like being caressed at the beach by waves.

You are pretty much naked, with your modesty protected by a cloth, so you have to really trust the person with your body. More than in a normal massage, where they work one body part at a time and cover the other bits up.

When I turned over to my front, I was blindfolded. To help me connect with my body and not stare around the room, I reckon! It could be a confronting moment but I let myself trust in her. Even when it felt like she was pushing me off the table, I trusted her and the process.

TIME minutes well spent. $$$ well spent. I'm definitely going back!


-Post written and approved by massage client Emma VM, edited by Amanda