What is Optimal Maternal Positioning? (OMP)
OMP is a system of exercises, movements, positions, stretches, massage tools, specific pressure applications and more techniques that help create alignment and mobility within a mother’s pelvis, to ultimately facilitate cardinal movements of the baby. This enables and allows labour to progress.
At the OMP Workshop where I trained in this program and became an Ambassador, our trainer Ginny Phang-Davey described birth in this way:
“Having a baby pass through the pelvis is like putting a key through a keyhole. If the key hole is rusty, there may be problems of a smooth insertion. The key may get stuck and cause difficulties turning to unlock the lock, or even in removing the key. The good news is there are many things that pregnant women can do to not just help with the key – “key” meaning the baby – and there is a lot more than she can do to create space within the keyhole – “keyhole” meaning the pelvis – for the baby to pass through...”
There continues to be much discussion about optimal foetal positioning, and rightfully so because it is often the key to obtaining healthy vaginal births. The subject of ‘which way the baby’s face is facing’ and how it can impact labour, has been documented in medical literature over the centuries by Midwives and Doctors alike. If the baby's face is up, or at mum's symphysis pubis, it often is cited as a reason for needing a cesarean section.
With more than enough medical evidence and research to show how babies are born in the posterior position, or babies that have been in a posterior position during labour, birth workers worldwide have been led to teach pregnant women “Optimal Foetal Positioning” (OFP) (a handbook by New Zealander’s Jean Sutton and Pauline Scott). This is where they are taught to understand how the baby moves during labour, which positions to avoid, and which positions help turn a posterior baby.
And so… “Optimal Maternal Positioning” (OMP) comes in. OMP is an equally important concept which has a direct impact on OFP. Creating a smooth path for the baby to navigate through the pelvis during labour and birth depends on the ability for the baby to work through the cardinal movements during the processes of descent and dilation. And because of this perspective, the teamwork between the mother and her baby will give her the best chance of a swifter easier delivery.
As an OMP Ambassador, I am able to show you these techniques and guide you through when and how to use them. We would start by going through the Pelvic Alignment Protocols 1.1 to 1.6, and then go through some of the ways to modify the pelvis and add movement during labour. Please get in touch with me on the Contact page of my website for more information, or for details on pricing, please see the Additional Services page.
OMP for Parents
OMP for Birth Professionals (with ACM CPD points)
Four Trimesters Antenatal Class
Birth Exchange Mentoring Program
Over November and December 2019, I participated in a Birth Exchange Mentoring Program in Gui Yang, China with OMP Trainer Ginny Phang-Davey. I joined Midwives, Doulas, Body Workers and other Birth Professionals, to receive hands-on experiential learning, with women in labour, where we were able to see first hand, the importance of Pelvic Alignment, Pelvic Mobility and how to facilitate cardinal movements to allow Labour to Progress. This took the skills that I gained at the OMP Workshop where I became an Ambassador to a whole new level. The program pushed me beyond my comfort zone and I learned and grew so much, both professionally and personally. My Doula toolkit for birth and birth preparation has increased exponentially.
You can read more about my journey here
Below are a selection of photos captured during this mentorship training journey to help women in China birth their babies.
“We did the exercises last night with you, and again this morning, and our Dr has said that baby has changed from posterior with eyebrow presentation to a slightly better position where the head is not looking up anymore (chin down) and she is more sideways. Thank you!”
See more testimonials here
Essential Me is Essential You – offering a variety of services that can support you in your journey into motherhood. These can be offered to you individually or as a combined package. My passion is to be here to help you (women and couples) in any way possible. Please click below for more details on my other services: