It can be incredibly isolating and lonely as a new mother. It’s tough managing a new baby, new routines, not enough sleep, too many chores and having to find time to look after yourself and your family. Firstly, I’ll keep you company and listen – making a lovely hot cup of tea and giving great hugs! And whether it’s holding your baby while you sleep or shower, folding some laundry, bringing some groceries, cooking a meal, helping with breastfeeding and settling techniques, finding a cleaner or an array of other suggestions, I offer support for you in any way that you need it. If this is your second or more child, a Postpartum Doula can help supervise your baby so you can spend some quality time with your toddler.
This Postnatal Doula service could be a one off booking, weekly, or multiple sessions per week. Gift vouchers are available.
You can view pricing for this service as a one-off session here or to see package details for a bundle of three sessions, see here.
“For us, Amanda brought the perfect blend of nurturing support and evidence based thinking to help us make the best decisions for our circumstances. Being able to go to Amanda for Ka Huna massage was a wonderful way to soothe pregnancy aches and those niggling worries that many a first time mama-to-be might experience. Having Amanda with us during my pregnancy, at the birth of our baby girl and then at home with us shortly after in her capacity as a postpartum Doula, has truly been the best investment in our growing family.”
Essential Me is Essential You – offering a variety of services that can support you in your journey into motherhood. These can be offered to you individually or as a combined package. My passion is to be here to help you (women and couples) in any way possible. Please click below for more details on my other services: