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8 Simple Ways to Find "Me Time" as a New Parent

Between keeping up with regular routines and adjusting to new duties as a parent, it can feel like you never get any free time. Parenting becomes a routine, and to many new parents, one where breaking off for alone time can be particularly difficult.

It is possible, however. Having the chance for "me time" is about freeing up your time, rather than having extra time. Sometimes it means having to step back, and letting your partner take over for a while. It could mean reorganizing your routine, so you have more free 'slots' in your schedule. Here are eight simple ways you can find "me time" as a new parent.

1. Self Care & Well-being

Sometimes you sacrifice your old priorities as a new parent, but you don't have to. Make the most of when your little one is asleep and take 15 minutes to treat yourself whether it’s grooming yourself, a short yoga or exercise routine, or catching up on news or social media. Taking some time out for the things you enjoy can help your mental well-being and boost your mood.

2. Keeping fit

Exercise is important no matter who you are, but it's especially important as a parent. Exercising helps reduce the effects of fatigue that comes with a parent's routine. It's also a good chance to have a break, whether you go to a gym or separate yourself somewhere else in the home.

3. Catch up on sleep

It's easier said than done with a newborn baby, but as a parent you need all the sleep you can get. Take turns with your partner to soothe, feed and change the baby at night. Ask a close friend or family member over to mind the baby so you can have a nap. All of these contribute a lot to reducing fatigue.

4. Spend time outside

Getting out of the house is beneficial for lots of reasons. The fresh air can reinvigorate you and clear your mind. It can help reduce stress as a new parent. Try going for a walk, or relax on something comfortable like bean loungers while you read or take a nap. Whether it’s watering the plants or taking 20 minutes out your day to plant some seeds, gardening is also a great way to spend time outside and get your daily dose of fresh air.

5. Cooking

Having time to yourself to cook for yourself or others can be a great way to reduce stress. Cooking can have a therapeutic effect. It enhances organisation, planning and promotes feelings of self-esteem. Culinary therapy can be an effective treatment against feelings of anxiety or stress. Cooking works well on the mind because it allows you to clear your mind and concentrate on the details and nuances of what you're preparing. It also promotes creativity and insight.

6. Socialising

After a long day of work, parenting or house chores, spending time with your friends could be the best way to de-stress. Having the chance to go out with friends on your normal lunch catch-ups will help you feel like yourself again. Spending time with your partner is also important. Having a new baby can mean that you and your partner spend less personal time together. Hire a babysitter or ask a family member for help, and take each other out for date night. If you’re unable to find a sitter, plan date nights at home while baby is napping.

7. TV and movies

When you finally have a few hours to yourself, sometimes all you want to do is lie on the couch and binge watch your favourite TV show. The idea of having "me time" is having the chance to take your mind off the baby and enjoy being on your own for a while. Sometimes, a good movie or show is all that's needed to reinvigorate yourself.

8. Take up a hobby

Being a parent doesn't mean having to put aside your hobbies. It doesn't matter what you enjoy doing: bird-watching, writing or crafts, spending your time on a hobby can help you relax. If you are one to socialize, consider finding a hobby that allows you to spend time with others, such as a book club. If you’re unable to get out of the house, join a virtual book club, and read and socialize within the comfort of your own home.

Taking time out to spend on yourself is essential for mental well-being. So, follow the tips above and allow yourself to refresh, relax and maintain a healthy mindset as a new parent.

About the Author

Harper Reid is a freelance content writer based in the beautiful city of Auckland, New Zealand. She often pens articles about family, travel and lifestyle topics. She is also a voracious reader and loves classic mystery and thriller novels. She firmly believes in the proper balance between work and play. So when not busy writing for various sites and blogs, she enjoys exploring new places, baking chocolate chip cookies, getting lost in a good book, and catching up on the latest resources for freelancers. She recently created her personal blog as a place to share her published work. Check it out here.

About Essential Me

Hi, I'm Amanda.  I support women and couples during their pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey as a Doula, Ka Huna massage therapist and Pilates instructor.  I'm Based in Sydney and would love to help you.  Please check out my Top 10 Tips for the best possible birth experience here.  I'd love to meet you for an obligation free interview to see if you feel we're the right fit.  Contact me here. Thanks, Amanda x